Current Issue

Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 9/18/24

Year: 2024









Art History



Physical Geography and Environmental Geology, Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes
South-West (Oghuz) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, North-West (Kipczak) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, North-East (Altai, Khakas, Tuva, Sakha/Yakut) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other), Translation and Interpretation Studies, Linguistics, Lexicography and Semantics, Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan), Historical North East Turkish Language (Khwarezm, Kipchak, Chagatai), New Turkish Language (Turkish of Old Anatolia, Ottoman, Turkiye)
Archaeology, Archaeological Science, Early Bronze Age Archeology, Neolithic Age Archeology, Archeology of Ottoman


Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences (p-ISSN 1300-9702, e-ISSN 2149-3243) is an international refereed journal published twice a year in print and electronic form in January and July, where researchers and academicians working in the field of social sciences can publish their scientific studies. 


Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences operates with the support and contribution of distinguished scientists from Turkey and abroad, especially faculty members of Fırat University who are active in the field of social sciences.
The basic mission of Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is to serve social sciences by publishing studies that deal with "domestic and national" material with the universal principles, values and methods of science. In this respect, the journal is a publication where national and international original scientific studies can be published.

Open Access Policy
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is an Open Access journal and offers its published content directly to open access. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with its "Open Access" policy. It exercises the rights of all use (online linking, copying, printing, duplication, distribution, etc.) (unless otherwise stated in the relevant content) through the Creative Commons Tic-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC), provided that known standards are sourced, except for commercial use and content change. For commercial use of the content, permission from the journal editor is required.

Evaluation Process
   1) The "Blind Referee" system is applied in the evaluation process of the articles sent to the journal. With this system, the referee makes his/her review and evaluation without seeing the name of the article author(s). The authors are also unaware of the referee names throughout the process.
   2) Translation and publication evaluation studies sent to the journal are also subjected to a blind review process just like copyright works.
   3) The Journal Editorial Board sends the articles it deems appropriate in terms of format and fields to referees (two referees) who are experts in the subject, and if both of the evaluations are positive, the article is accepted for publication. If one is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee.
   4) Manuscripts that are decided to be corrected for publication must be submitted by their authors within 20 days at the latest. The revised text can be reviewed by the referees who request changes, if deemed necessary.
   5) Submitted articles are published with the final decision of the Editorial Board, after the approval of two field experts "can be published". Authors must take into account the criticism, evaluation and corrections of the referee and the Editorial Board. In case of disagreement, the author has the right to report on a separate page with justifications.
   6) Articles sent to the journal are not returned to the author, whether published or not.
   7) The opinions in the articles published in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences are the personal opinions of their authors and do not constitute the official opinion of Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences.

Publication Frequency
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is published twice a year in print and electronic form, in "January" and "July". Articles are not accepted for a certain issue. Authors can submit their scientific studies at any time.

Submission / Article Processing Charges
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is an open access journal under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Disclosure 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC). The journal does not charge authors' fees for submission and article printing, nor does it pay royalties to the author(s) for articles.

Plagiarism Detection
Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences obliges every study that has passed the "Blind Review Process" to be checked for plagiarism in order to protect its integrity. In this context, every work is passed through the plagiarism control system approved by the editorial board.

Copyright Policy
The copyright of the published articles belongs to Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences. The author (s) acknowledges that all copyrights of the manuscript approved for publication in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences have been transferred to the journal. Articles previously published elsewhere cannot be published in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences.



Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisinde yayımlanması istenen yazılar öncelikle sosyal bilimler alanında, bilime katkısı olan, özgün çalışmalar olmalı ve aşağıda belirtilen nitelikleri taşımalıdır:
1. Türkçe ve yabancı dildeki başlıklar; yazının kapsamıyla uyumlu; yazının konusunu kısa, açık ve yeterli ölçüde yansıtmalıdır.
2. Türkçe ve yabancı dildeki özetler; yazının amacını, kapsamını ve sonuçlarını yansıtmalı ve yazının diğer bölümlerinden ayrı olarak yayımlanabilecek biçimde hazırlanmış olmalıdır.
3. Yazı, dil ve ifade yönünden, dilbilgisi kurallarına uygun olmalı, açık ve yalın bir anlatım yolu izlemeli, amaç ve kapsam dışına taşan gereksiz bilgilere yer verilmemeli ve makale yazım kurallarına uygun olmalıdır.
4. Makalenin hazırlanmasında bilinen bilimsel yöntemlere uyulmalı, çalışmanın konusu, amacı, kapsamı, hazırlanma gerekçesi vb. bilgiler yeterli ölçüde ve belirli bir düzen içinde verilmelidir. Makalede kullanılan şekil, tablo, fotoğraf ve diğer belgeler, bilimsel kurallara uygun olarak hazırlanmalı, yazının amacına ve kapsamına uygun olarak seçilmeli, yazıda değinilmemiş gereksiz belgelere ve kaynaklara yer verilmemelidir.
5. Makalede kullanılan şekil, tablo, fotoğraf ve diğer belgelerin kolayca anlaşılacak biçimde yalın ve yeterli bir açıklaması bulunmalıdır.
6. Yazıda kullanılan kaynaklar yazım kurallarına uygun olarak düzenlenmeli, değinilen her belge kaynaklar kısmında yer almalı, ancak yazıda değinilmeyen belgelere kaynaklar kısmında yer verilmemelidir.
7. Sonuçlar, araştırmanın amaç ve kapsamına uygun olmalı, ana çizgileriyle ve öz olarak verilmeli, metinde sözü edilmeyen veri ya da bulgulara yer verilmemelidir.
8. Anket, mülakat, odak grup çalışması, gözlem, deney, görüşme teknikleri kullanılarak katılımcılardan veri toplanmış nitel ya da nicel yaklaşımlarla yürütülmüş her türlü araştırma için "Etik Kurul İzin Belgesi" bulunmalıdır.
9. Dergimize yüklenecek tüm makalelerde "Benzerlik Raporu" (İntihal Raporu) bulunmalıdır.

10. Makale dosyası iki adet ayrı ayrı yüklenmeli ve bunlardan birinde yazarlarının isimleri çalışma içinde bulunmalı, diğerinde ise yazar bilgileri bulunmamalıdır. Dosya adında da yazar adı değil, çalışmanın adı bulunmalıdır.

        Örnek dosya adı:

        V1_isimsiz_makale adı

        V1_isimli_makale adı

11. Bir yazarın dergimizin herhangi bir sayısı içerisinde yazar sıralaması fark etmeksizin ancak bir yazısı yayımlanabilir. 

12. TR DİZİN kriterleri (kendi kurumunuzda bir sayıda makale ve hakemlik oranı en fazla 1/3 oranında olmalı) göz önünde bulundurularak ve dergi yoğunluğu dikkate alınarak bir yazarın bir yılda yalnız bir çalışması yayınlanacaktır.


Publication Ethics
The publishing processes applied in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences constitute the basis for the development and distribution of information in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes implemented in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all shareholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with ethical principles. Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences expects all shareholders to bear the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics.

The ethical duties and responsibilities below have been prepared by taking into account the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
The author(s) who send the Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
   1) Articles submitted by the author(s) must be original. If the author(s) benefit from other studies or use other studies, they must cite the studies they have used completely and accurately and/or cite them completely and accurately.
   2) Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the study should not be specified as authors.
   3) The situations and relationships of all studies submitted for publication that may constitute a conflict of interest -if any- are explained.
   4) Raw data related to their articles can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of evaluation processes; in such a case, the author(s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board.
   5) The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the rights to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or the consent of the experimental subjects.
  6) In the event that the author(s) notices a mistake or error in their published work at the early view or evaluation stage, he/she has an obligation to inform the journal editor of the publisher and cooperate with the editor in, correcting or withdrawing.
   7) Articles submitted to the journal cannot be sent to more than one journal at the same time. Each application is initiated following the completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be sent to Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences.
   8) Changing the author responsibilities of a study whose evaluation process has started (such as adding authors, changing author order, removing authors) cannot be proposed.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors
Fırat University Social Sciences Journal editors have the following ethical duties and responsibilities on the basis of "COPE Code of Conductand Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors", which are published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.

General Duties and Responsibilities
Editors are responsible for every publication published in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences. In the context of this responsibility, editors have the following roles and responsibilities:
   1) They make an effort to meet the information needs of readers and writers.
   2) They ensure the continuous development of the journal.
   3) They carry out the processes to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal.
   4) They support freedom of thought.
   5) They provide academic integrity.
   6) They continue their business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
   7) They show clarity and transparency in terms of publication in matters that require correction and explanation.

Relationship with the Readers
Editors make decisions by considering the knowledge, skills and experience expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners. They pay attention to the fact that the published studies contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific literature and to be original. In addition, editors take into account the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners, and provide explanatory and informative feedback.

Relationship with the Authors
Editors' duties and responsibilities towards authors are as follows:
   1) Editors make positive or negative decisions based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of expression, and the journal's goals and objectives.
   2) Editors take the works suitable for the scope of the publication to the pre-evaluation stage unless they have serious problems.
   3) Editors do not ignore the positive referee suggestions unless there is a serious problem with the work.
   4) New editors cannot change the decisions made by the previous editor(s) for the work unless there is a serious problem.
   5) Editors publish the "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" and prevent possible deviations in the defined processes.
   6) Editors provide descriptive and informative notification and feedback to the authors.

Relationship with Referees
The duties and responsibilities of editors towards referees are as follows:
   1) Editors determine the referees in accordance with the subject of the study.
   2) Editors provide the information and guides that referees will need during the evaluation phase.
   3) They observe whether there is a conflict of interest among editors, authors and referees.
   4) Editors keep the identity information of referees confidential in the context of blind refereeing.
   5) Editors; encourage referees to consider working in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
   6) Editors evaluate the referees with criteria such as timely return and performance.
   7) Editors determine practices and policies that increase the performance of referees.
   8) Editors take the necessary steps to dynamically update the referee pool.
   9) Editors avoid impolite and unscientific reviews.
   10) Editors take steps to ensure that the referee pool is made up of a wide variety.

Relationship with the Editorial Board
Editors ensure that editorial board members progress in accordance with processes, publishing policies and guidelines. They inform the editorial board members about the publishing policies and keep them informed of the developments. They train new editorial board members on broadcasting policies and provide the information they need.
Also the editors:
   1) ensure that the editorial board members evaluate the works impartially and independently.
   2) select the new editorial board members from amongst the faculty members who can contribute and are qualified.
   3) send the editorial board members the works appropriate to their field of expertise for evaluation.
   4) regularly interact with the editorial board.
   5) organize meetings with the editorial board at regular intervals for the development of publishing policies and the journal.

Relationship with the Owner and Publisher of the Journal
The relationship between editors and publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes
Editors follow the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies in the journal publishing policies. In this context, editors ensure that each work is completed in a fair, impartial and timely evaluation process.

Quality assurance
Editors publish every article published in the journal in accordance with the journal's publication policies and international standards.

Protection of Personal Data
Editors ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. They protect individual data of authors, referees and readers.

Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights
Editors ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the studies evaluated. In the absence of the ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies, they refuse to work in the absence of permission for experimental research.

Prevention Against Possible Misuse and Misconduct
Editors take action against possible abuse and misconduct. They conduct a meticulous and objective investigation and share their findings on the identification and evaluation of complaints regarding this situation.

Ensuring Academic Publication Integrity
Editors quickly correct judgments that contain errors, inconsistencies, or misdirections in their work.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Editors protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles, defend the rights of the journal and author(s) in possible violations. In addition, they take necessary measures to ensure that the content in all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.

Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion
   1) They take into account the persuasive criticisms of the works published in the journal and display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
   2) They give the author (s) the right to reply to the criticized studies.
   3) They do not ignore studies with negative results.

Editors respond in an enlightening and descriptive way by carefully examining complaints from authors, referees or readers.

Political and Business Concerns 
Journal owner, publisher, and any other political or commercial aspect does not affect the editors' independent decision making.

Conflicts of Interest
Editors guarantee the completion of the publication process in an independent and impartial manner, taking into account the conflicts of interest between the author(s), referees and other editors.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
The evaluation of all studies with "Blind Review" directly affects the quality of the publication. This process provides confidence through objective and independent evaluation of the publication. Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences, the evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-blind review. Referees cannot contact the authors directly, evaluations and comments are submitted through the journal management system. In this process, referee comments on evaluation forms and full texts are sent to the author(s) through the editors. In this context, referees evaluating articles for Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
   1) They only agree to evaluate studies related to their field of expertise.
   2) They make evaluations in impartiality and confidentiality.
   3) If they think that they are faced with a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they refuse to examine the study and inform the editor of the journal about the issue.
   4) In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they destroy the works they examine after the evaluation process.
   5) They only use the final version of the studies they examine, after they are published.
   6) They make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study.
   7) They do not allow nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and commercial concerns to influence evaluation.
   8) They make the assessment in a constructive and courteous language. They do not make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
   9) They perform the work that they accept to evaluate, on time and within the framework of the above ethical responsibilities.
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content in Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences other than the above mentioned ethical responsibilities, please report to via e-mail.

Fırat University Journal of Social Sciences is an "Open Access" journal and offers its published content directly to open access. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with its "Open Access" policy with its published content. Provided that the source is cited in known standards, it offers all usage rights (linking online, copying, printing, duplicating in any physical medium, distributing, etc.) other than commercial use and content modification (unless otherwise specified in the relevant content) through the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) license. For commercial use of the content, permission from the journal editor is required.

Dergi, yazarlardan gönderi ve makale basımı için işlem ücreti talep etmez, yazılar için de yazar(lar)ına telif ücreti ödemez.